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If you still have problems, please let us know, by sending an email to artisanoblesse@gmail.com . Thank you!


Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!



Drive your own Design

Drive your own Design

We can make new, bespoke furniture or we can restore your existing. Offering various styles and multiple wood options, we let you put a personal touch on your furniture. Please bring your measurements and design ideas and we can create together your home furniture.

How we restore?

Wooden car trims refurb...

Professional furniture transport

The company started as a bespoke furniture manufacturer and along this journey we encountered transport faults that translated in broken pieces of furniture delivered to our customers or unaesthetic signs. Our goal is to avoid as much as possible any damages to your furniture and to keep our time span promise when you decide to use our service.

3 in 1 Montessori Activity Station

Our craftmen developed this piece of furniture especially for children.

3 options of setup to make your child happy with daily activities.

This is an unique design, ergonomic and sturdy.


£ 210.00

Drive your own Design

Various styles and multiple wood options, we let you put a personal touch on your furniture, new or somenthing old that needs attention.


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